I'm very happy to see that Chester Greenhalgh's T-Bucket bible, "How to Build a T-Bucket Roadster for Under $3000", is now available in an eBook version -- for just $9.99! Talk about a deal -- I saw a post three years ago on the HAMB that it was selling on Amazon for anywhere from $184 to $393 for Amazon in Canada! The new, fully authorized edition features several pages of bonus content and is available from http://www.tbucketplans.com/.
Many of you that have one of the original spiral-bound editions are thinking "I should have sold it when I had the chance!"), when you saw it for sale as a downloadable PDF for $9.99. Don't be so quick to throw it away. What you have is a genuine piece of Hotrodding history that can easily be identified as an authentic antique from a forged copy because my fingerprints (a matter of public record) are on every page of everyone of those books. I personaly correalated, cropped, and bound everyone of them. There were less than 800 of them ever produced, most have been lost, cut-up, destroyed, loaned to a friend who never returned them, or 'accidentely' thrown in the garbage by a jealous female.
The book is timeless in that it constructs a rod, not from over-the-counter parts, but from raw materials available everywhere. It can be used anywhere in the world with what they have locally available. It will be as useful 40 years from now as it is today and as it was in 1986. Wherever, and whenever there is a person who wants to build a car themselves, you're likely to find my book. This book, that became a legend in its own time, is the envy of many a 'hopeful'author, who in an attempt to promote a work of their own, will pick it apart with nasty comments. It was, (and still is) the source of countless debates, and right or wrong, it has made its mark in hot rodding history.
I'm 65 now and don't know how many years I have left before I fall off the fence, but when I'm gone, this book that is already a collectors item, might bring one hell of a price. 3 years ago one sold on the internet in
Canada for $393, like I said "Don't be so quick to throw it away!" Chester Greenhalgh
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